Jumper for Jumper
in Aotearoa 1 in 9 kiwi kids live through winter without access to basic needs like sufficient food, a good bed, or warm clothing.
warmth is a privilege.
access to everyday necessities and a means to keep warm, allows kiwi kids the opportunity to live connected to their whanau as well as helping to combat the cold and preventable illness.
Standard Issue has been working closely with the Middlemore Foundation to help support our communities most vulnerable families. for these families and their tamariki living in impoverished conditions, winter can be a challenging time.
that’s why, we started jumper for jumper - as a way to help make a difference using our area of expertise - knitwear!
kiwi’s supporting kiwis
we are proud to have 100% of our collection made in-house in our Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) workroom. our diverse team includes local designers, technicians and makers who all share the intention and compassion to help keep our most vulnerable tamariki warm and well.
it is with our team's dedication alongside the support of our wonderful Standard Issue customers that makes our jumper for jumper initiative a success.
for every Standard Issue jumper purchased online or in our stores over the winter period we gift a woollen jumper to a child in need of an extra layer of warmth. you can also purchase a child’s jumper separately for $30 and we will knit and donate this on your behalf.
864 jumpers donated in 2022
our mission is to double our number of jumpers donated every year.
the Standard Issue team puts the utmost love, care and compassion into every garment we make. each woollen jumper we donate is made with zero-waste, warmth, and longevity in mind.
do more & give back
roughly 125,000 children live in Counties Manukau and 48% of those kids live in poverty.
the Middlemore Foundation has been around since 1999 and works within communities to support key projects.
health, homes and education are the core focus of this incredible foundation. we’re proud to partner with them and share their vision of keeping vulnerable communities warm and well.
by partnering with the Middlemore Foundation who work closely with local communities we can be sure the jumpers are gifted to those who are most in need. Margie, Lyle and the Middlemore Foundation team are extremely dedicated and passionate about supporting the local community and go the extra mile to ensure that the jumpers are distributed to the whanau that need them the most
we’ve only just started..
Jumper for Jumper is a seed that we intend to nurture and grow. we believe small changes can have a powerful impact.
through our partners and customers, we’re a community and together our mission is to run this program every year in the hopes that we double our numbers and expand our reach.
thank you for your support.